books on Immunology ?

Rahul Banerjee rrbanerj at midway.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 3 22:17:30 EST 1996

The very first immunology text I used was Kuby, Immunology. In my opinion
it is still the best book out there. Does anyone know if a new edition has
been published? Also, does anyone know how I might contact Janis Kuby?

University of Chicago - Pritzker School of Medicine     
EMAIL: rrbanerj at midway.uchicago.edu
PHONE: (312) 752-7735	
FAX:   (312) 752-7910
LAB:   (312) 702-1776
WWW:   http://student-www.uchicago.edu/users/rrbanerj

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