B-lymphoblast purification:How?

Kiley R. Prilliman kprillim at rex.re.uokhsc.edu
Tue Jun 4 10:31:23 EST 1996

b2d6 at musicb.mcgill.ca wrote:
> I would appreciate any references and/or protocols on purifying
> B-lymphoblasts from a mixed monocyte population (like Ficoll-Hypaque
> purified WBCs for example).
...after retrieving the lymphocyte fraction from a Ficoll gradient, run 
everything over a nylon wool column: I know that the B-cells and 
monocytes are nylon wool adherent, while the T- and NK cells will pass 
through as nonadherent cells (I think you can find more about this in 
Current Protocols in Immunology or something...unfortunately, I don't 
have a lot of the details myself).

Hope this helps a bit, 

Kiley R. Prilliman

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