Human IL12 ELISA cytokine quantitation

Birgit Sehested & Jens Rainer Hansen jrhbsh at post4.tele.dk
Wed Jun 5 04:32:28 EST 1996

I want to develop a sandwich ELISA to quantitate the human IL12 cytokine, using a 
monoclonal catching antibody and a biotinylated poly- or monoclonal antibody as the 
detector antibody. The ELISA should only detect the p70 heterodimer or the p35 protein 
(not the biological inactive p40). I do not want to use a commercial kit, only 
commercial antibodies. 

Do you have any proposals concerning where I can get antibodies which specifically are 
directed against the p70 and/or the p35 protein, and an idea of how many mcg/ml the 
microtiterplates should be coated with and the amount of detector antibody.

I am new on the Internet, do you know if there are other relevant newsgroups where it is 
possible to discuss items like ELISA, cytokines and assay technology.


Jens Rainer Hansen
Research scientist

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