Information that could save your life

Joshua Oskwarek joshua at nai.net
Thu Jun 6 08:35:55 EST 1996

The importance of minerals in the diet is often overlooked.  Life-sustaining minerals are necessary for 95% of the body's daily functions.  
Although the body can function, however poorly, without vitamins, it will die withoud minerals.

Soil depletion, poor crop rotation, and loss of valuable topsoil due to flooding and over-irrigation has eliminated much of the natural trace 
mineral content from our modern food supply.  In fact, many of the fruits and vegetables we consume today contain only 8 to 12 minerals. 

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes claimed,  "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral 

For a FREE audio cassette detailing how important minerals are to our diet,  how common deseases like heart desease, diabeties, arthritis and 
others are caused by mineral deficiencies, and what we can do about it,  send an email request with your name and address to joshua at nai.net.  

There is NO obligation of any sort at all.  USA and Canada only.

Joshua Oskwarek

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