Eliminating Fungal Contamination

Jalban at PO-BOX.mcgill.ca Jalban at PO-BOX.mcgill.ca
Thu Jun 6 15:49:15 EST 1996

I agree, sterile culture flasks are not likely the problem.  Check or 
better still throwout medium,etc.  You may consider adding an antifungal 
agent to your new medium.  However, if you are sure that the problem is 
contaminated plates you can:

1.  soak them with enthonal (>70%) an let them air dry in a tissue 
culture hood with the uv light on (Note: don't leave them under UV light 
longer then require; UV light has a habit of leaching plastic.)

2.  expose your plate to formaldehyde vapour, that will kill anything.
You should then clear your incubator and leave a beaker of formaldehyde 
in the incubator overnight.  Before placing the cells back into the 
incubator be sure to properly ventilate the incubator (otherwise 
your cells will die).  

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