books on Immunology ?

Andrew Fell andrewF at qimr.edu.au
Fri Jun 7 01:23:28 EST 1996

svenk (svenk at fub46.fddi1.fu-berlin.de) wrote:

: Hi :

: I am looking for books on Immunology methods and facts. Something
: I could look for, say : the MHC II haplotype of balc/c mice and
: similar.
: If you know of such a book, could you write the name to me

: Sven Koenig

Immunobiology: the immune system in health and disease by Charles
Janeway and Paul Travers is an excellent textbook and there is a new
edition just out.  The publisher is Blackwell I think.
It does not, however, answer specific questions like the one posed
above by Sven.  Try a book on practical immunology: the serial
"Current Protocols in Immunology" is a good place to look for this and
many other goodies.  It may be in your medical library, or some labs take
it by subscription.

Andrew Fell 

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