Human IL12 ELISA

M. Doherty M_Doherty at NIH.gov
Fri Jun 7 10:08:21 EST 1996

In article <31B3362A.4F38 at post4.tele.dk>, Birgit Sehested & Jens Rainer
Hansen <jrhbsh at post4.tele.dk> wrote:

> Hi ! 
> I am sorry the mail concerning the IL2 ELISA was a mistake !!!
> I want to develop a human IL12 sandwich ELISA, using a monoclonal
catching antibody and 
> a biotinylated poly- or monoclonal antibody as the detector antibody.
The ELISA should
> only detect the p70 heterodimer or the p35 protein (not the biological
inactive p40).
> I do not want to use a commersial kit, only the antibodies.
> Do you have any proposals concerning where I can get the antibodies
which specifically 
> are directed against the p70 or p35 protein, and an idea of how many
mcg/ml the 
> microtiter plates should be coated with and the amount of detector antibody.
> I am relatively new on the Internet, do you know if there are other
relevant newsgroups
> to discuss items like ELISA, cytokines and assay technology ?
> I would be pleased if somebody could give me some relevant information.

Hi.  If you want to use commercial antibodies, I would suggest using the
PharMingen matched antibody pairs.  The price looks pretty steep (about
$US 700, from memory), but for that you get sufficient antibodies to do
about 50 plates, which is far better value than the kits.  A number of
labs I know who are using these give them a pretty good bill of health,
I've just ordered the human IL-12 myself).

Cheers, Mark

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