NYC Area Cell Death Club
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 12, 1996
6:00-6:30 PM Pizza 6:30-8:00 PM Talks and discussion
Rockefeller University, 1230 York Ave., Weiss Research Bldg Room 301
Free Parking after 5PM at 66th St. & York Ave (Please
carpool as parking space is limited)
Speakers: JUNE 12
1. Patrizia Casaccia-Bonnefil, Cornell University/N Y Hospital
Cell death in primary oligodendrocytes
2. Richard Lockshin, St. John's University
Apoptosis of the cytoplasm.
To help plan for pizza call lab of Dr. Zahra Zakeri,
718: 997-3429 and let them know the number coming for pizza,
talk, and if you need parking. Please RSVP by Tues, June 11, 1996.
Otherwise email to me.
Organizers: Zahra Zakeri, Fax 718: 997-3445 Phone 718: 997-3417
Raymond Birge: Fax 212 327-7943; Phone 212: 327-7412
Sponsored by: Oncor Appligene and the journal Cell Death and
We are planning eventually to drop this general world announcement. If you
wish to continue receiving these messages, please send an email reply,
including your phone & fax numbers and full address as well, along with
your research interest.
Richard A. Lockshin
[also lockshin at]