Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Immunology Available
A funded position for a postdoctoral investigator is available
immediately. The focus of the lab's work is the induction of
antigen specific cytolytic T cells for the treatment of
minimal residual metastatic cancer. Two projects are underway.
The first involves the quantification of CTL responses to tumor
associated antigens induced in vivo by chemoablation of poorly
immunogenic tumors genetically engineered to express metabolic
suicide genes. The additional contribution of cytokine expression
in the tumor microenvironment is also studied. The second project
studies graft versus tumor effects in allogeneic bone marrow
transplantation. Specifically the impact of active immunization
of donors with genetically engineered recipient tumor cells on
generation of antitumor T cells will be assessed, as well as
the changes in graft versus host disease activity.
Candidates for this position should have some background in immunology,
hematology and molecular biology. Techniques used in the lab include:
development and use of retroviral vectors, subcloning of plasmids,
tissue culture, cellular T cell assays, tumor transplantation,
and bone marrow transplantation. In vivo experiments in inbred
mice play an important role in the projects.
This position is immediately available. Salary will depend on
qualifications. Please send curriculum vitae and the names and
telephone numbers of three references to:
Craig A. Mullen, M.D., Ph.D.
Depts. of Experimental Pediatrics & Immunology
U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Room B7.4518, Box 88
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Tel: 713-792-3314
Fax: 713-794-4373
email: mullen at
Representative publications:
Mullen CA, Coale MM, Lowe R, Blaese RM. Tumors expressing the
cytosine deaminase suicide gene can be eliminated in vivo with
5-fluorocytosine and induce protective immunity to wild type tumor.
Cancer Res, 54:1503-1506, 1994.
Consalvo M, Mullen CA, Modesti A, Musiani P, Allione A, Cavallo F,
Giovarelli M, Forni G. 5-fluorocytosine induced eradication of
murine adenocarcinomas engineered to express the cytosine deaminase
suicide gene requires host immune competence and leaves an efficient
memory. J. Immunol., 154:5302-5312, 1995.
Mullen CA, Petropoulos D, Lowe RM. Treatment of microscopic
pulmonary metastases with recombinant autologous tumor vaccine
expressing IL-6 and E. coli cytosine deaminase suicide genes.
Cancer Research, 56:1361-1366, 1996.