Post-doctoral Position in Immunology POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITION IN IMMUNOLOGY Applications are invited for one postdoctoral fellowship position in the Transplantation and Immunobiology Group at The John P. Robarts Research Institute. This person

Quim Madrenas madrenas at RRI.UWO.CA
Thu Jun 13 08:13:17 EST 1996


Applications are invited for one postdoctoral fellowship position in 
the Transplantation and Immunobiology Group at The John P. Robarts 
Research Institute. This person will investigate the effects on gene 
expression of differential T cell receptor signaling by variant ligands 
(Science 1995; 267:515; Semi. In Immunol. 1996; in press; Proc Natl 
Acad Sci USA 1996: in press).  The position is available as of August 
1, 1996.

The ideal candidate is a recent Ph.D. graduate with expertise in 
general molecular biology, and T cell culture assays. 

Please send your curriculum vitae, and arrange for three letters of 
reference to be sent to: 

  J. Madrenas, MD, Ph.D. 
  Scientist, Transplantation and Immunobiology Group 
  The John P. Robarts Research Institute 
  P.O. Box 5015, 100 Perth Drive 
  London, ON Canada N6A 5K8 
  Telephone: (519) 663-5777 Ext. 4242 
  FAX: (519) 663-3789 
  Email: madrenas at rri.uwo.ca

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