B lymphocytes in mouse spleen

Chui Yiu-Loon chuiyl at hkstar.com
Fri Jun 14 07:12:12 EST 1996

I wonder whether anyone would kindly tell me what proportion B cells 
is in adult mouse spleen single cell suspension? This sounds a very 
simple question, but I find it difficult to get a straight answer from 
standard textbooks. In Cellular and Molecular Immunology (2nd edition) 
by Abbas et al., it says B lymphocytes form 40-45% of total 
lymphocytes in the spleen (human or mouse, not specified). But then 
what proportion total lymphocytes make in the entire spleen cell 
population? - No answer on that. In Basic and Clinical Immunology (7th 
edition) by Stites et al., it says B cells make up 40% of lymphocytes 
in spleen marginal zone-white pulp, but again not the information I 
would like to have. Perhaps it is too simple that no one cares any 
more to know about. Thanks for any help in advance.

Yiu-Loon Chui, Ph.D
Clinical Immunology Unit
Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong

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