An Egyptian Scientist looking for a postdoctoral research fellowship in parasitology

Sat Jun 15 11:06:23 EST 1996

Dear Sir

I am a lecturer of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo 
University, Cairo, Egypt.

I have the interset to obtain a POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP in the field of

I got my Master's degree in 1988 on "Coccidian parasites infecting stray
dogs in Egypt" and Ph.D. in 1993 on "Babesia species infecting cattle
and buffaloes in Egypt". 

I spent two years (1991-1993) at the Department of Parasitology, National 
Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden as a research scholar.

Please find enclose my C.V. for your consideration,
Thank you for your time,
Waiting for your reply,

Sincerely yours
Aiman El-Ghaysh, M.V.Sc., Ph.D.
E mail: elghaysh at frcu.eun.eg

       			Curriculum Vitae

Name: Aiman A. El-Ghaysh
Birth: 19/11/1962, Alexandria, Egypt
Nationality: Egyptian
Mailling Adress: Cairo Uinversity, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department
                 of Parasitology, Box 12211 Giza, Egypt.
Telephone: +20-2-3530930
Fax:       +20-2-5725240
Social status: Married


B.V.Sc.1984, M.V.Sc.1988 and Ph.D.V.Sc.1993
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

Research Scholar (1991-1993) National Veterinary Institute, Department of
Parasitology, Uppsala, Sweden.

Demonstrator (1984-1988), assistant lecturer (1988-1993) and lecturer (1993-
to date) at the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Cairo University, Egypt.

List of Publications:

1. A. El-Ghaysh (1988).
Studies on Some Coccidian Parasites infecting Stray Dogs
M.V.Sc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, pp 93.

2. M. Hilali, A. Nassar and A. El-Ghaysh (1991).
Isolation of Coccidian parasites infecting dogs in Egypt".
Procceding of the XV Symposium of the Scandinavian Society of Parasitology, 
Uppsala, sweden, 4-5 Oct. 1991, pp 141.

3. M. Hilali, A. Nassar and A. El-Ghaysh (1992). 
Camel (Camelus dromedarius) and Sheep (Ovis aries) as a source of dog infection
with some Coccidian parasites.
Veterinary Parasitology, 43, 37-43.

4. A. El-Ghaysh (1993).
Studies on Babesia species infecting cattle and water Buffaloes in Egypt
Ph.D.VSc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt, 144pp

5. A. El-Ghaysh and G. Zakrisson (1993).
Testing of The Egyptian cattle and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) for Parafilaria
bovicola using ELISA.
The First Conference of Egyptian association of Immunologists (EAI)
December, 16, 1993, Cairo, Egypt.

6. A. El-Ghaysh and M. Mansour (1994(.
Detection of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in an Egyptaian shhep-herd using
Modern serological techniques.
Journal of the Egyptian Association of Immunologists.,1, 117-121.

7. A. El-Ghaysh, A.M. Nassar, M.A.Hilali and D. Christensson (1994).
Characterization of Babesia bigemina antigen (Egyptian strain) isolated from
an experimentally infected calves.
Vet. Med. J. Giza, 42(1), 211-214.

8. A. El-Ghaysh, M.Hilali, A.M.Nassar and D. Christensson (1995).
Detection of Babesia bigemina antibodies in cattle and buffaloes using 
indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT) and Enzyme linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA).
The 35th week of science, Syria, Latakia, 4-9 November.

9. A. El-Ghaysh (1995).
Babesiosis in Egyptian cattle and buffaloes (a review).
The first International congress on zoonotic Parasitosis.
Parasitology Department, Ain-Shams University, Egypt, November 20-23, 1995.

10. Nafaday, A.A., A.H. Omar, Rawhia E. Doghaim, M.M. El-Mahdy and A. El-Ghaysh
Preliminary Pathological Studies on Parasitic helminthes in Camel's intestine.
Third Scientific Congress, Assuit University, 3-5 December, Assuit, Egypt.

11. A. El-Ghaysh, B. Sundquist, D.A. Christensson, M. Hilali and A.M. Nassar
Observations on the use of ELISA for Detection of Babesia bigemina specific
Veterinary Parasitology, 62:51-61.

12. M.S. Abdel Rahman, M.M. Fahmy, W.M. Mousa and A. El-Ghaysh (1996).
Application of a new formulation of Ivermectin (Ivomec Pour-on) to control
external Parasites of farm animals.
Vet. Med. J. Giza, 44 (2): 339-347.

Conference Presentations:

1.The XV Symposium of the Scandinavian Society of Parasitology, Uppsala, Sweden,
4-5 Oct. 1991. 

2. The First Conference of Egyptian association of Immunologists (EAI)
December, 16, 1993, Cairo, Egypt.

3. The 35th week of science, Syria, Latakia, 4-9 November.

4. The first International congress on zoonotic Parasitosis.
Parasitology Department, Ain-Shams University, Egypt, November 20-23, 1995.

5.Third Scientific Congress, Assuit University, 3-5 December, Assuit, Egypt.

6. The 4th Scientific Congress, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
Egypt. 3-6 April 1966.

Course Participation:

1. Pedagogics course "Some Aspects of Pedagogics" Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Pedagogics. Uppsala, Sweden, 2-4March 1993

2. Thin Layer Chromatography, Research Institute of Ophthalmology, Department
of Biophysics, Giza, Egypt, 16018 December 1995.

Sceientific activities:
1. I was a member in a rsearch team working in Egypt on a project entiteld
(Babesiosis in Egyptian cattle and buffaloes) from 1989 to 1993 funded by
the Swedeish Governoment.

2. During my work at the Department of parasitology, National Veterinary 
Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, I trained on different recent techniques used
in Parasitology research work as example:
a. High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden.
   1. Anion exchange.
   2. Cation exchange.
   3. Isoelectric focusing.
   4. Gel filtration.
b. Affinity Chromatography.
   1. Mini-Gel, BIO-RAD, USA.
   2. Phast System, Pharmacia, Sweden.
d. Western blot.
f. IFAT.
g. Dot-ELISA.
h. Toxoscreen agglutination test.
i. Detection of Blood parasites using Acridine orange and Giemsa's stain.

3. I am a cosupervisor on a master thesis entiteld (studies on the action 
of some anticoccidial drugs on poultry, comparative study). Faculty of Science,
Cairo University Egypt.

4. Member of The Egyptian Zoological Society.
5. Member of The Egyptian Association of Parasitology.
6. Member of The Egyptian Wild Life Society (EWSNGO).
7. Member of The Egyptian Association of Immunologists.
8. Member of The Scandinavian Electrophorseis Society.

Ongoing resarch:

1. Application of ELISA and IFAT for detection of Cryptosporidiosis in 
different animals and man.

2. Development of sensitive and specific ELISA for filariasis using puriied

3. Testing of specific fractions of Babesia species as vaccine.

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