In article <31B55663.55A6 at>, Birgit Sehested & Jens Rainer
Hansen <jrhbsh at> wrote:
> Please help.
> I am a new user to the bionet.immunology newsgroup. I have send two
> "questions" to the newsgroup but my "question" dissapears after some
> minutes on the newsgroup list. Why ? Where can I read about how to use
> a newsgroup.
>> Yours Jens Rainer Hansen
No doubt your newsreader is automatically deleting your question, after
you look at it to confirm that it's there. Using Newsreader, in the
'News' menu, click on the 'Mark Unread' option after you've read the
posting, and you'll be able to find it again next time! It's still there
-- you have 5 questions on hIL12 posted already. It's just that your own
newsreader has deleted it from your view -- alternatively, you can
exercise the option to 'not save' your newsreading session, and any
articles you've read will then be available for reading next time.
Larry 'wearing three hats in these cold times' Winger
Larry.Winger at at at PGCE Secondary Science, Teacher Trainee,OU