Allergy or irritant response?

Wed Jun 19 15:09:28 EST 1996

Betty I guess you send an e-mail to wrong person. I do not know anything 
about chemical sensitivity. Please contact the right person and not me.Thanks

On 19 Jun 1996, BBrid38 wrote:

> I have a severe almost instant asthmatic reaction when exposed to a
> specific chemical often found in fragrances and fragranced products.  My
> allergist says it is an irritant response, not an allergy.  But other
> irritants such as smoke, dust, chemicals, etc do not cause a problem and I
> do not have asthma other than in response to this chemical.  Other
> symptoms occur from 20 minutes to several hours after exposure .....
> fatigue, puffiness of hands, and muscle /joint aches.
> Can anyone give me an idea of what might be going on?
> Betty

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