In article <4q7h8g$gtd at>, gsabina at (Gheorghe Sabina) says:
>>We intend to use the peroxidase substrate 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole (AEC)
>in an immunohistochemical procedure.
>Unfortunately we have the compound but we haven't the protocol.
>Any indication concerning the substrate preparation and the conditions
>of reaction would be very helpful to us.
>If you think that it is not the appropriate newsgroup we shall be grateful
>to everybody who will give us the name of microscopy newsgroup.
>> With many thanks in advance
> Sabina Gheorghe
You can make a stock solution of AEC: 0.4 % in dimethylformamide
(Sigma A-5754).
Incubatie your preparations with a mixture of:
0.5 ml AEC stock
9.5 ml 0.05 M Sodiumacatate pH 5.0
0.1 ml 3% H2O2 (hmmm.... underscript still not possible)
Filter this solution before use.
Embed your preparations in a water containing mediumn like aquamount or
glycerol 50%.