
Jane T. Hoffman jhoffman at cas.org
Thu Jun 20 13:54:07 EST 1996

Mary P. Remington wrote:
> Apparently there was recently a review article about integrins.  Does
> anyone have the reference?  Thanks, Mary

Here is a retrieval from our database that may be helpful. I wasn't sure what you're interested in. This is
just one of at least 65 general reviews (1995-96) where integrins are of interest.
Jane T. Hoffman
Chemical Abstracts Service                  phone: (614) 447-3600  ext. 3220
P.O. Box 3012                               E-mail: jhoffman at cas.org
Columbus, Ohio 43210                        WWW: http://www.cas.org

The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect
the opinions of my employer
-------------- next part --------------
TI   Leukocyte integrins
AU   Stewart, Mairi; Thiel, Martin; Hogg, Nancy
CS   Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK
SO   Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. (1995), 7(5), 690-6
     CODEN: COCBE3; ISSN: 0955-0674
DT   Journal; General Review
LA   English

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