[Hydrocortisone] in FCS?
Larry Winger
larry.winger at ncl.ac.uk
Fri Jun 21 09:50:21 EST 1996
Has anybody come across any determinations of cortisol concentrations in
fetal calf serum? GIBCO in Scotland couldn't tell me anything
('negligible' I believe was the response, but I'm interested in the
sub-microgram/ml range, into which the term 'negligible' might fall).
Larry 'wearing three hats in these cold times' Winger
Larry.Winger at ncl.ac.uk http://georgia.ncl.ac.uk
LarryWinger at mkn.co.uk http://mkn.co.uk/help/extra/craftnet/info
law3 at student.open.ac.uk PGCE Secondary Science, Teacher Trainee,OU
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