Mice CD4-CD8 Abs

Dr.Manuel Saenz Terrazas a65820 at UACHIH.UACHNET.MX
Sun Jun 23 17:00:50 EST 1996

I am looking antibodies against mice or hamster CD4 and CD8 suitable for 
paraffin embeded tissue samples. I've reviewed Lakeside, Dako and Sigma but 
none of them recommend their antibodies for this kind of use.
I shall be grateful for any help in this matter.

Manuel Saenz-Terrazas, M.D.
Graduate Student of Immunology
Department of Immunology
School of Chemistry
University of Chihuahua
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico.
a65820 at uachih.uachnet.mx
Phone: (14) 13-18-28    Fax (14) 14-44-92

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