Internet Envrionment Survey

Gian Carle carle at uns.umnw.ethz.ch
Mon Jun 24 05:25:04 EST 1996

Thats an announcement and not the questionnaire itself !!!!



University term paper in the field of Social Studies " Media and 
Public Work in Science and  Environmental Protection"

I am currently working on the University term pater "Internet and
Environment". Our aim is to establish the manner in which the Internet 
is uses by people interested in environmental issues.

    1.What is the quality rating of environmental information?
    2.How userfriendly is the Internet in the fields of environment 
	     and ecology?
    3.Which are your requirements in the field of environmental 
    4.Where do you see problems in this respect?

Please take around 10 minutes to answer the questionnaire on the 
following page. Thank you for transmitting this link to your 
environmental colleagues.

english version:

Deutsche Version:

Version francaise:

Thank you very much for your help and for filling out the survey. 
Please fill-it also out if some questions are too difficult to answer 
for you!!! 

Gian Carle

carle at uns.umnw.ethz.ch

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