Miller's Precision Enterprises offers to buy USED Tyvek Coverall garments
when you are done using them. We pay per garment and reimburse for
MPE was founded in 1987 to recover disposable TYVEK garments from the
cleanroom industry. Recently, MPE was named DuPont's exclusive Tyvek
reprocessor of North America. We currently recover Tyvek from many of
the largest (and smallest) Pharmaceutical companies in the U.S.
MPE's clean area system is designed to be easy to set up and administer.
It requires no more labor than throwing the garments out, yet it BENEFITS
the environment AND your company.
Landfill space and the fee to the disposal firm are saved by your
company. You also receive a salvage value for the products you are
currently paying to dispose of.
If you have ANY questions, or would like to ENLIST YOUR COMPANY NOW IN
Check out our WEB page for more information:
or contact: Eric Blissmer- R&D mgr.
MPE, Inc.
445 Junction Av.
Schererville, IN 46375
(219) 865 3322 Email: m3995 at
(219) 865 0132 fax