IFN-alpha effects in pollen allergy?

milen efis at PObox.ruu.nl
Mon Jun 24 11:30:25 EST 1996

I would like to know your comments on the following:

What will be the possible effect of interferon alpha application 
on the symptoms or the course of the pollen allergy in a patient 
with chronic liver disease caused by infection with hepatitis B virus.

The interferon alpha treatment is indicated becuse the patent has 
biopsy proven chronic active hepatitis B, with ongoing replication 
of hepatitis B virus (as measured by HBV-DNA in serum and HBcAg in the liver). 

Quote of the day:
To be or not to be. Shakespeare
To do is to be. E.Kant
To be is to do. J.-P.Sartr
Do be do be do. F.Sinatra
Jaba daba doo.  F.Flintstone

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