Dr.Manuel Saenz Terrazas wrote:
>> I am looking antibodies against mice or hamster CD4 and CD8 suitable for
> paraffin embeded tissue samples. I've reviewed Lakeside, Dako and Sigma but
> none of them recommend their antibodies for this kind of use.
> I shall be grateful for any help in this matter.
> Manuel
>> Manuel Saenz-Terrazas, M.D.
> Graduate Student of Immunology
> Department of Immunology
> School of Chemistry
> University of Chihuahua
> Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico.
>a65820 at uachih.uachnet.mx> Phone: (14) 13-18-28 Fax (14) 14-44-92
You might want to try Zymed at 800-874-4494, I recall them carrying anti CD4
and 8.
Tom Brotcke