Stability of Biotinylated Murine Monoclonals

Dave Peritt peritt at mail.med.upenn.edu
Thu Jun 27 17:23:12 EST 1996

In article <K_Vora-2706961807020001 at manser3.jci.tju.edu> Kalpit A. Vora,
K_Vora at lac.jci.tju.edu writes:
>Dear Fellow immunologists,
>I am having problems in storing biotinylated monoclonal antibodies.They
>are getting inactive upon storage at -20oC. Any suggestion are welcome .
>Please email your responses to kvora at lac.jci.tju.edu
>Thanking you in advance.

We store Biotinylated Abs for years at 4C at 1mg/ml in sterile PBS or

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