In article <01BB643D.A1A442A0 at>,
q_kitagawa at says...
>I'm interested in the CTL cytotoxicity.
>Now, we know that there are two distinct pathways in the CTL
>Perforin/Gramzyme related pathway and Fas/Fas-ligand pathway.
>Then I wonder which pathway is more important in some immune diseases
>such as multiple scleorosis, Shogren syndrome, chronic active
hepatitis and
>so on?
>I want to know your suggestions or comments.
>>Hisashi Kitagawa
I'm not so sure that one pathway may be more important than the other.
Hepatocytes have an activated Fas molecule, and in many instances of
cellular activation, this also applies. Nagata's group in Japan and
Krammer's in Germany group appear to be working on a hypothesis that
Fas-mediated apoptosis may be reduced or abolished in cancerous cell
(perhaps avoiding CTL responses). This would appear to leave only the
perforin/granzyme route available in these instances.
I would also be interested in other cases in which one or the other
pathway were more important.