LPS inhibition of CYCLOHEXIMIDE superinduction

shabbir hussain hussain.9 at pop.service.ohio-state.edu
Thu Jun 27 21:27:12 EST 1996

In article <31D3A375.6FC7 at net.au> ian at net.au (ian) writes:
>Path: magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!nntp-xfer-1.csn.net!rutgers!uwm.edu!spool.mu.edu!olivea!biosci!net.au!ian
>From: ian at net.au (ian)
>Newsgroups: bionet.immunology
>Subject: LPS inhibition of CYCLOHEXIMIDE superinduction
>Date: 27 Jun 1996 16:22:38 -0700
>Organization: BIOSCI International Newsgroups for Molecular Biology
>Lines: 9
>Sender: daemon at net.bio.net
>Distribution: world
>Message-ID: <31D3A375.6FC7 at net.au>
>Reply-To: ian at net.au
>NNTP-Posting-Host: net.bio.net

>I am currently working on an LPS inducible gene which is 
>superinducible by cycloheximide (CHX), no problem. However, when LPS 
>and CHX are added together, expression is completely abrogated. I 
>could understand if the level was either greater than LPS alone or at 
>least as great as CHX alone. It seems that in the presence of CHX, LPS 
>acts as an inhibiter instead of an inducer. Has anyone seen this 
>before or can anyone offer an explanation?


Can you explain for how long before or after you add cycloheximide and you get 
superinduction and how much doses you are using for LPS and CHX.  Moreover, 
on which kind of gene you are working (hussain.9 at osu.edu)

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