Cromatography exchange

Mauricio Alvarez MAURY at ict.sld.cu
Wed Mar 6 13:50:02 EST 1996

Dear immunonetters:

A colegue of mine has 4 PLGEL columns, model MIXED-B, 10u, 7.5x300 
mm, range 580-10 000 000, for organic solvents (GPC).

He is looking for someone interested on this kind of columns, because 
of he want to excahnge them by:

- GPC columns, range < 580 D   

- GFC columns, range < 20 000 D

Thanks in advance, and all a nice in 1996.

* Mauricio Alvarez                                                   *
* Center of Molecular Immunology                                     *
* P.O.Box: 16040                                                     *
* Havana City, CUBA.                                                 *
* Telephone: (537)- 33-5049 or (537)-21-8297                         *
* Fax: (537)-33-5049                                                 *
* E.mail: maury at ict.sld.cu                                           *
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*     CENTER    IMMUNOLOGY      MOLECULAR                            * 
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