Teresa's S/O and G/O hypothesis: Kyba's Hell

Jim Kohl jkohl at vegas.infi.net
Sat Mar 9 01:11:53 EST 1996

In article <Pine.ULT.3.91.960307084803.2042B-100000 at essex.UCHSC.edu>, 
binstoct at essex.UCHSC.edu says...
>Teresa responds:
>On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Michael Kyba or Ernest Buckwell wrote:
>> Theresa, what exactly is your point?
>> Can you make it in a single paragraph?  
>Ought we presume that sound-bite political debate breeds similarly 
>simple-minded mentations in science?
>The primary points are simple: 1. S. cerevisiae mating phermones and 
>their processing are sexually dimorphic and have components remarkably 
>similar to certain endogenous molecules in human T-cells.2. Research 
>into sexually significant human chemo-signalling has focused upon 
>olfactory and vomeronasal processes and appears to have overlooked 
>the possibility that immunological tissues in the nasal mucosa, via the 
>trigeminal nerve, (i) might be a component of mating-type determinations 
>in humans, and (ii) might be the substrate wherein sexual- and 
>gender-orientations and variations thereof are encoded. 
>> Verbosity is usually a sign of ignorance in my experience. 
>As is mispelling a person's name, but intellectual precision is only 
>statistically associated with graders of papers; and clear exceptions do 
>arise from time to time.
>> Also, have you actually done any experiments or are you just talking
>> out of your butt?  
>I'm amazed at your hostility, as indicated in the sophomoric 
>vulgarity -- as well as your misunderstanding of how science often 
>proceeds from hypothesis to specific research projects. 
>> Maybe you could propose some experiments to
>> confirm or disprove your theory, whatever it is.
>At least your thinking has progressed to the grasping of a next logical 

Perhaps those who are not capable of Teresa's advanced thinking will want 
to step back and examine Fu, Liu, Parimoo, & Weissmann (1995) Olfactory 
receptor-like genes are located in the human major histocompatibility 
complex. Genomics 27:119-123. Experimental evidence that "the coincidence 
of MHC odor types that influence behavior and MHC-encoded odor receptors 
is suggestive that these receptors are involved in the detection of the 
MHC-determined odor types." It appears to me that this evidence, among 
other evidence not cited, also is suggestive that Teresa's immunological 
hypotheses are well grounded both in psychoneuroimmunology and in 

Jim Kohl


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