
d122 at ifi.uib.no d122 at ifi.uib.no
Wed Mar 13 12:31:18 EST 1996

NewTech, Inc.

NewTech is a newly established corporation and specializes in Medical technology and investment.

At the time being, we can offer you these products:1. Dichlodiamminoplatin - Cancer cell cure (raw material)
                                                      Maximum 150 kg. in 1996

                                                   2. NewTech Bandages, Especially made for fire wounds.
                                                      Resently patented, Carbon based, does not stick to 
                                                      the wounds, and heals faster.

We are foremost interested in long term delivery aggreements, but all interests will be considered.

1) Dichlordiamminoplatin (II)

   Purity                                99,0%
   Contents of Platinum                  64,7 - 65,3 %%
   Contents of trans - DDP               1% max.
   Contents of impurities                1% max.
   Contents of water                     0,5% max.


2) NewTech Bandages.
   Relative surface, S / rel.m2/gr.               2,8 - 3,0
   Mezzopores in %%                               1 - 3
   Total Porevolume, cm3 /gr.                     ca. 0
   Waterabsorbation, gr/gr                        2,0 +/- 0,2
   Strength, dry, kg. for 5 cm. bandagewidth      20 +/- 1,0
   Strength, wet, kg. for 5 cm. bandagewidth      19 +/- 0,5
   Heatconduction coefficient, statistivc meassured,
   KCal / m X Hour X Degree                       0,6
   Anisotrophy - Coefficient                      1/100
   Surface ashes, %% of masses                    0,000001
   Volume ashes, %% of masses                     0,01
   Rest components ashes, gr/gr.                  Fe  0,0001
                                                  Cu  0,00001
                                                  Zn  0,000001
                                                  Si  0,001
                                                  Al  0,000001
                                                 H2O  0
   Raw Material                                  Carbon 99,5%

The bandages can be delivered 100 X 100 mm; 250 X 250 mm, up to 1 X 2 meters. Sterilized.

For further information and data, call the given address:

Hans Kielland.
NewTech, Inc.
R2317 Lobergsveien 85
5037 Bergen 
Tlp: 92449490 or 38198985
email:d122 at grevling.ifi.uib.no

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