T's SO_GO H: Pheromones, Terms, Physiol Domains

Teresa Binstock binstoct at essex.UCHSC.edu
Thu Mar 21 14:44:30 EST 1996

The word "pheromones" seems to have several meanings or implied meanings: 

In a most general sense, "pheromones" refers to chemo-signal molecules of 
an inter-creature sort and may even inform the emitting organism about 
itself. However, literature about pheromones and odors seems to confine 
concern to (i) vomeronasal receptors and related neural tracts and (ii) 
olfactory receptors and related neural tracts. 

In contrast, third, fourth, and fifth physiological domains are present in 
humans and other mammals, (iii) epidermis, (iv) respiratory epithelium, 
and (v) lymphoid tissues (epidermal and nasal). 

A sweeping and nearly entirely true generalization is that domains iii, 
iv, and v are omitted from consideration as transduction domains for 
inter-creature chemo-signaling. 

My immunological hypothesis regarding sexual and gender orientations 
proposes that these orientations may be manifested primarily within 
domains iii, iv, and v. Furthermore, variations in sexual and/or gender 
orientation may be manifestations of autoimmune process affecting 
specific molecules within domains iii, and/or iv, and or v.

My intent with this post is twofold: (i) to clarify the domains wherein 
my hypothesis asserts sexual and gender orientations and variations 
thereof to be encoded, and (ii) to make clear that to refer to all sexually 
significant chemo-signal molecules as "pheromones" is quite OK so long 
as we understand the most general sense and actual definition of the 
word and are careful not to fall prey to arbitrarily, presumptively 
focusing only upon olfactory and vomeronasal components, which circa 
1996 remain the traditional contexts wherein the word "pheromones" is used.


                  Teresa Binstock at uchsc.edu
    Researcher in Developmental & Behavioral Neuroanatomy

                       Copyright 1996
          Collected writings of Teresa C. Binstock

                  Permission hereby granted
        to distribute this document in its entirety.


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