JAM test. What's it stand for?

Jorg Kirberg kirberg at nki.nl
Mon Jul 21 04:38:44 EST 1997

In article <5qtvi8$206$1 at news1.ucsd.edu>, djyoung at ucsd.edu (Dennis J.
Young) wrote:

> How does Matzinger get the acronym JAM for the DNA fragmentation assay?
> (J. Imm Methods 145:1991)
Just another method. Quite simple.


Joerg Kirberg                              Tel. 0031 - 20 - 512 19 98
The Netherlands Cancer Institute           FAX  0031 - 20 - 512 20 11
Div. Molecular Genetics (H4)               E_mail kirberg at nki.nl
Plesmanlaan 121
NL - 1066 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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