In article <6bac96$22d4 at ns2-1.CC.Lehigh.EDU>, <URL:mailto:tfc2 at Lehigh.EDU>
> Hello,
>> I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions on the pros and cons of
> using ascites vs cell culture for antibody production. We have used
> hollow fiber AB production in the past but there is a move in the company
> toward ascites. I am not comfortable with this change and hope to
> understand the reasons for this decision a little better, with your help.
>> Our AB requirements vary for the 15 or so lines from about 10-50 mg/year
> per AB.
>> The use of cell culture seems the obvious choice to me but have been told
> that it's less expensive to produce ABs using ascites. Is this strictly
> true?
>> Any thoughts or comments are very welcome!
>> Thanks,
> Theresa
>Within the UK production of monoclonal antibodies from ascites is a
regulated procedure governed by the Home Office and my understanding is
that they will only grant a license if you can show a reason valid to
them why you need to use this method of production. I believe that in
general they do not regrad savings in cost as a valid reason. Obviously the
regulations in other countries vary.
I could make the following guestimates for you.
I guess that 50mg of antibody could be obtained from ascites at about
1-10mg/ml requiring say 5-50ml. Assumming 2ml of ascites in a mouse or 10ml
in a rat you are needing about 25 mice or 3 rats per antibody per year.