Gary Lum glum at ozemail.com.au
Thu Feb 5 17:04:26 EST 1998


If you really want to do it, do it!

However, realise that by the time you finish you'll be in your forties. 
After specialty training you'll be in your late forties.  If you want an
academic/clinical position anywhere your lack of experience will be
telling.  If you wish to be a general practitioner just be careful that
patients don't assume you've been practising for decades.  This probably
wouldn't happen, but early in your career you'll be tempted not to admit
you just know the answer and some get tempted to bluff.  Your age will
bring with it great respect, it's your responsibility not to tarnish
that respect.  In many ways you'll have to be better at it than your
younger counter parts.

Get used to long hours, little sleep and cranky consultants.  Get
familiar with waiting around for hours while waiting for a consultant to
give a tutorial or ward round, etc. etc.

On the plus side, your age gives a maturity which fresh young candidates
often lack.  Your career has probably provided you with the funds to
cope, thus no part time jobs to just get through, giving you more time
to study.  Being experienced in communications, you may well have what
it takes to be popular with your patients which is half the 'battle'.

Have a go if you seriously want this.  All the best.



Dr Gary Lum
Director of Microbiology and Pathology
Royal Darwin Hospital

Microbiologists do it with culture and sensitivity
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