To The Makers Of Synthetic Thyroid Replacements

ATeasd5941 ateasd5941 at aol.com
Tue Feb 10 17:41:23 EST 1998

If you are a manufacturer of synthetic thyroid and you are reading this
post consider this : Persil introduced a product in our country on the basis
that it contained a particular catalyst therefore must be a better product. 
This move almost destroyed their company, it was only through their
honesty and past reputation that people have gone back to using their
products. If they had left it any longer before admitting their mistake
they would never have been able to pull themselves out of it. Now I'm
not saying you haven't done studies on whether your drugs are as 
effective or not better than natural, just that they ought to be repeated
 ( very soon) if they have been done.

Carol T

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