A chinese researcher wants to find jobs in the field of Immunology.

Zhang Tong z147 at PUBLIC.ZZ.HA.CN
Thu Feb 12 11:22:22 EST 1998

Dear Immunologists:
   I am a teaching assistant of Henan Medical University in China. My
specialty is Immunology. I have been researching on the field of DNA
Vaccine for almost three years. The novel vaccine represents a new way
of inducing immune responses. My research work mainly focused on two
parts: 1.Construction of HBV DNA vaccine, CEA DNA vaccine, their
expression in vivo and induction of specific immune responses; 2.
Cytokines enhancement of immune responses induced by DNA vaccines. My
recent publications and research work are asnb follows:
1. Effects of cytokines on production of antibody against HBsAg in mice
inoculated by HBV gene vaccine, Zhang, T, et al. Chinese J. Microbiology

& Immunology, 97(6): 420-423.
2. Promotion of GM-CSF on production of anti-HBs induced by HBV genetic
vaccination. Zhang, T, et al.  Shanghai J. Immunology, 98(1);27-31.
3. Construction of eukaryotic expression plasmids encoding hepatitis B
virus preS2+S gene by T vector. Zhang, T, et al. J. of Henan Med. Univ.
in press.
4. Review: Strategies for elevating the immune responses elicited by DNA

vaccines, Zhang, T,et al, Chemistry of Life, in press.
5. Review: Mechanisms of DNA vaccine induction of CTL responses. Foreign

Medicine,Immunology Branch. 98(2). In press.
6. Construction of CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) DNA vaccine and its
induction of antitumor effects.

   I would like to work in laboratories, in which research  interests
are Infectious diseaeses, vaccine development, cancer Research, etc. If
there are any job vacancies in your laboratory, please feel free to
contact me.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance.

                   Sincerely yours

                   Tong Zhang

                   Department of Microbiology and immunology
                   Henan medical University
                   Zhengzhou, Henan,450052
                   P. R. China
                 E-mail: z147 at public.zz.ha.cn

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