
Philippe Auriol Philippe.Auriol at wanadoo.fr
Fri Feb 13 04:30:24 EST 1998

I'm sorry that nobody should be  interested by this subject...does
nobody 's get an opinion about that?

I'd like to ask you some immunological questions...

1/Does anybody know about the way a Th0 lymphocyts become a Th1 (IL2,
INFgamma) or a Th2 (IL3/4/6/8/10..)?

2/Some people say that it is the way  the allergies come, because of a
nearly orientation of Th2 lymphocyt, what do you think of that?

3/and then what is the time for a memory lymphocyt (CD45R0) to remain
active, in other word what is his during live?

Please answer me if you've got some informations about these three

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