Neuropsychology & Neuroimmunology

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Feb 16 22:01:07 EST 1998

In <6c0h5d$kpo at sjx-ixn11.ix.netcom.com> flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank
LeFever) writes: 
>I'll post a more formal and detailed announcement later, but for
>who must plan early for a trip to New York City, let me alert you to
>the New York Neuropsychology Group's 19th annual conference (joint
>meeting with the Psychology Section of The New York Academy of
>Sciences): "Neuropsychology and the Neuroimmune Dialogue"
>At NYU Medical Center, Saturday, May 2.
>PROBABLY will offer CE (psychol) & CME credits (applications pending).
>Will NOT involve the impressivbe level of detail some of you show
>in the thread re macrophages); rather, for neuropsychologists, a
>and exposition of dimensions they have so far not considered well, and
>perhaps for immunologists some ideas regarding so-far unexploited
>possibilities for explanations of clinical/cognitive/behavioral
>phenomena, involving neural-immune-behavioral interactions at a more
>systemic level.
>Pending post of more formal announcements, details by FAX or snail
>mail, from:
>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.          FAX (914) 786-4978
>Helen Hayes Hospital            voice(914) 786-4110
>West Haverstraw, NY 10993       flefeverr at ix.netcom.com

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