First immuno response

Michael rmrmjg at cancermed.leeds.ac.uk
Sat May 9 05:09:09 EST 1998

Trond Erik wrote:
> Sorry if this question has been recently debated...
> I've been wondering about this for a while. It seems like a version of
> the classic hen and egg.
> To be able to battle infections, plasma cells (active B-cells) secrets
> spesific antibodies. But for a B-cell to become active, it has to be
> stimulated by a helper-T-cell. And for a helper-T-cell to be active, it
> needs to be stimulated by an APC. An APC is a former makrofag who has
> ingested antigen/antibody-complexes, therby becoming an APC.
> Let's say we have a child who hasn't been infected before. That is to
> say it hasn't secreted antibodies yet. When the first infection arrives,
> how can it respond? It doesn't have the necesarry secreted antibodies to
> facilitate ingestion by makrofags. And that is the first step in humoral
> immuno response.
> I guess some of my theory above is wrong. Please correct me ;)
> Regards
> Trond Erik Vee Aune

Remember, B cells are constitutively expressing and producing IgM which
over the entire repertoire theoretically cover all antigenic structures.
In addition IgM is I seem to remember the most efficient antibody
isotype for activation of compliment. Hopefully this plugs the gap in
the earliest stages of an antibody response.



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