The latest issue of AIDS Treatment News (#294) has been added
to non-profit Immunet's complete, fully-searchable & indexed ATN archive
--- New issue features:
* VIAGRA Warning re "Poppers" and Notice re Protease Inhibitors
* Preventing Mother-Infant Transmission Worldwide: What Is Needed?
Interview with Joseph Saba, M.D.
* HIV Treatment Options
* Community Organizing by Email: Needle Exchange Mobilization Example
* 15th Annual Candlelight March, May 17
* San Francisco: Healing Alternatives Opens Castro Office
You can read this and every previous issue of AIDS Treatment News
at The Immunet site features a
sophisticated search engine to simplify access to over 12 years of
AIDS Treatment News articles. Also featured is John S. James'
helpful personal index.
AIDS TREATMENT NEWS is one of the primary treatment resources
for AIDS and HIV. It reports on experimental and standard
treatments, especially those available now, and has been
published twice monthly, continuously since 1986 by John S. James.
AIDS TREATMENT NEWS interviews physicians, scientists, other
health professionals, and persons with AIDS or HIV. They also
collect information from meetings and conferences, medical
journals, and computer databases. Long-term survivors have
usually tried many different treatments, and found combinations
which work for them. AIDS TREATMENT NEWS does not recommend
particular therapies, but seeks to increase the options available.
AIDS TREATMENT NEWS is funded by subscriptions and contributions
and does not accept contributions from pharmaceutical companies
or others whose products they might cover.
* Immunet -- a non profit AIDS Service Organization
* info at