T-Cell Immunologist Post-Doc Position Open

micheal gruenberg mgruenberg at ucsd.edu
Wed May 13 11:31:43 EST 1998

CellTherapy, Inc. is an early stage biopharmaceutical company located in San 
Diego, California.  We specialize in the development of autologous immune 
cell-based therapies for treatment of human disease.  Currently, we have two 
products ready for human clinical testing, a polyclonal Th1 memory cell 
therapy for treatment of cancer and a polyclonal Th2 memory cell therapy for 
treatment of autoimmune disease.  We have broad patents pending on these 
products and the process that permits us to differentiate and expand these 
regulatory cells ex-vivo without the use of exogenous cytokines or feeder 

Through a joint venture agreement with a major hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, we 
are establishing a cell processing center to produce these products under a US 
IND for use in human clinical trials in the US.  We are seeking an experienced 
immunologist for a minimum one year appointment to head a project to fully 
characterize the cells that result from our production process. This position 
could also lead to permanent employment.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in Immunology or related discipline 
and at least 3 years of post-doctoral training.  Candidates should have 
extensive cell culture experience and hands on familiarity with internal 
cytokine staining, FACS staining and analysis, ELISA, RT-PCR, cytotoxicity 
assays and other T-cell functional assays.

Qualified candidates please FAX or email CV with salary history and cover 
letter to:

Dr. Micheal Gruenberg, Ph.D.
Director, Research and Technical Operations
mgruenberg at ucsd.edu

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