I think vaccination has to be viewed as a deliberate introduction of a
disease, or something relative to the disease, in a way and under
conditions so that the immune system can easily defeat the disease and
produce antibodies which will then protect against later accidental or
unintentional introductions. What is the best way? Needle injection
or skin scratch, in a muscle area with no large blood vessels nearby,
provide the smallest area that the immune system has to defend. What
are the best conditions? Establishing a good level of circulating
Vitamin C in the blood to supply the macrophages with an antidote to
the oxidants produced in fighting the disease. Oral ingestion of
a good dose of Vitamin C a few hours prior to the vaccination should
provide this.
This procedure can be extrapolated into a curative process, where
an existing disease is attacked by giving multiple vaccinations
(e.g. both arms and both legs) periodically (e.g. every 4 days)
over a time frame (e.g. three weeks) to build up a high level of
antibodies circulating throughout the body.
Regards, Ralph L. Samson