antibodies to CCR5 and CXCR4

Katja Adolf kad at biobase.dk
Wed Sep 16 04:48:28 EST 1998

Try www.sciquest.com, they are a good source for any scientific product.

CXCR4 can be purchased from:

Genzyme Diagnostics Division: Research Products
Cambridge ,  MA ,  USA
Phone: 617-252-7500   Fax: 617-252-7759

and CCR5 from:

San Diego ,  CA ,  USA
Phone: 619-812-8800   Toll Free: 800-848-6227   Fax: 619-812-8888


Katja Adolf, cand. scient.
Aarhus University Hospital
Lung Research Clinic
Nørrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Tel. +45/ 89492106 Fax +45/ 89492110
email: kad at biobase.dk

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