"AIDS Treatment News" online * New Issue #302 (searchable/indexed)

johnburgin at worldnet.att.net johnburgin at worldnet.att.net
Mon Sep 21 23:42:38 EST 1998

That's exactly the point, there are no controlled studies to prove
that they don't.  I suggest that you contact the Los Angeles chapter
of HEAL.  Talk to some real live people that gave up on being guinea
pigs and are very healthy, despite being HIV +.  Start with Christine
Maggiore.  Duesberg has been screaming for a controlled study like
this for at least 9 years.  The AIDS establishment doesn't want it to
happen.  But again,  the best evidence is in speaking with real live
persons.  There are plenty of the real dead ones that went your route
that can't defend themselves. jb
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998 17:41:44 -0700, marnix at u.washington.edu (Marnix L.
Bosch) wrote:

>In article <3606c736.257123235 at netnews.worldnet.att.net>,
>johnburgin at worldnet.att.net wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:57:23 GMT, gmc0 at ix.netcom.com (George M.
>> Carter) wrote:
>> >Todd Miller <todd33 at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >>AIDS Treatment News / Immunet wrote:
>> >
>> >>> Long-term survivors have usually tried many different treatments,
>> >>> and found combinations which work for them.  
>> >
>> >>Does anyone know of a reference that supports this statement?
>> >>Is this statement true because by definition, a "long-term
>> >>survivor" is a person who HAS taken the establishment's therapy,
>> >>while a "long-term non-progressor" is a person who has avoided
>> >>this therapy?
>> >
>> >There is evidence that people with AIDS (who have progressed whether
>> >they took drugs or not) have better clinical condition and survival
>> >when they take drugs in combination than those who do not use drugs
>> >who have progressed to AIDS.
>> There is evidence to the opposite also, that is, that those taking the
>> immunosuppressive "AIDS" drugs have worse clinical conditions and
>> poorer survival when they take drugs(I assume you are speaking of the
>> usual poisons, AZT and PI's)in combination than those who do not use
>> drugs(again I am assuming the same thing) who have progressed to AIDS.
>> Really poor sentence structure and definitely a circular argument,
>> kind of HIV=AIDzey(pronounced like 'sy' in easy)
>Could you please post that evidence ? That is: studies that show that
>people on anti-HIV cocktails fare worse than matched HIV-1 infected
>untreated controls. Please.
>Marnix Bosch

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