On 24 Sep 1998 18:22:48 GMT, carlton at walleye.ccbr.umn.edu (Carlton
Hogan) wrote:
>In article <36097103.150681607 at netnews.worldnet.att.net>,
> <johnburgin at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>>On 23 Sep 1998 20:19:37 GMT, carlton at walleye.ccbr.umn.edu (Carlton
>>Hogan) wrote:
>>>>>In article <learn-2309981142390001 at tench.microbiol.washington.edu>,
>>>Jerry Learn <learn at u.washington.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> chemists who criticize the virology and immunology. By the way.
>>>>> What *has* Mullis done lately (besides creating a totally data-
>>>>> free model of AIDS pathogenesis)?
>>>>>>>>>I did a check of Medline this morning, and the only thing that I can find
>>>>since 1992 from him is the above mentioned paper (A hypothetical disease
>>>>of the immune system that may bear some relation to the acquired immune
>>>>deficiency syndrome. Genetica 95(1-3):195-197).
>>>>>>Yeah, that's the data free model I referred to. His "immune network
>>>overload" theory. A good armchair quarter back think piece, but not
>>>credible as an alternative explanation of AIDS etiology.
>>>>>Isn't it interesting that you discount data free models because you
>>need them so bad to massage the data to get what you want. Remember
>>what Mark Twain said about statistics. jb
>>You claim to be in the medical field? "data free" means unsupported
>by any observations.
You apparently didn't understand what I said. Par for the course.
Data free models, empirical studies, doesn't matter. Are you simply
being sarcastic, like " military intelligence"? I wasn't referring to
his work, I was referring to your need for data mining(need any help
on this one jerk?)jb