Request for primary antibody

-- 76532.2302 at CompuServe.COM
Wed Apr 4 15:32:29 EST 2001

We list many sources for both Monoclonal & Polyclonal Abs. vs. 
Human IL2. You may use the following temporary password 
information to fully access our online Directory and locate the 
information you are seeking:
go to www.linscottsdirectory.com and click to access the online 
Directory. When the password popup appears use the following to 
"surname":  TEMP4
"initials": NG
"password": IMMUNE
Best regards,

Linscott's Directory of Immunological & Biological Reagents
815 Whitney Way, Petaluma, CA  94954
phone: 707-763-7098  fax: 707-763-8372

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