human IgG subclasses

Doug Neubauer dougnbr at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 12 23:24:29 EST 2001

In article <9b12t4$rdm$1 at news.net.uni-c.dk>, askbio3 at hotmail.com wrote:
>Does anyone know is there is any correlation between human IgG1 and IgG3
>antibodies and Th1 cytokine responses and what cytokines regulates these two
>IgG sub-classes?
>T. Andersen

You might give this one a try:

Towards a comprehensive view of immunoglobulin class switching.,
Snapper, Mond, Immunol Today 1993 Jan;14(1):15-7. (PMID:8442856)

or these...
Antibody class switching.,  
Stavnezer, Adv Immunol 1996;61(5):79-146. (PMID:8834495)

Switching to IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA is division linked and independent,...,
Deenick, et al., J Immunol 1999 Nov 1;163(9):4707-14. (PMID:10528168)

- Doug


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