"Mark Haynes" <Mark.Haynes at Mail.TJU.Edu> escribió en el mensaje
news:3AD5B52B.263772BC at Mail.TJU.Edu...
> there is some evidence that th1 and th2 reactivities activate select
classes and
> sub-classes of Ig's . the only ref i have is a reprodutive immunology
paper but
> it may start you toward an answer. Bisset et al. 1990, am. j. reprod.
> v23 p4-9
>>> "T. Andersen" wrote:
>> > Does anyone know is there is any correlation between human IgG1 and IgG3
> > antibodies and Th1 cytokine responses and what cytokines regulates these
> > IgG sub-classes?
> > Thanks!
> > T. Andersen