Pathology Resources

resources at tpmm.com resources at tpmm.com
Thu Apr 26 10:07:40 EST 2001


This is a list of links to medical resources named in the subject of this post. 
The Philadelphia Medical Mall is in no way associated with any entities listed. 

We are not selling snake oil. 
We are not telling you to click a link for a special deal. 
We are not asking you to send information.

We are sharing links of medical resources that we have found useful. 
If you are a news group moderator and find these links to be against 
the news group charter, FAQ, or basic color scheme, please send an 
e-mail to mailto:remove at tpmm.com and include the full news group 
name. Our staff will quickly remove that group from future postings 
and thank you for not calling our office with bomb threats or 
annoying the people at mailto:abuse at tpmm.com . 

Thank you.

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