Your Assistance PLEASE!

Dr. Bud Maynard docted at airmail.net
Thu Apr 26 14:34:37 EST 2001

I note from a link off the site www.oil-report.com/tech-report/index.html 
which serves the Medical/Pharmaceutical
business that you are involved in this industry.

My colleagues have developed one of the first patentable products for the 
funeral industry which has incredibly
huge potential (a patent for a service that EVERYONE needs). We are looking 
for assistance globally in finding
appropriate distributors/partners/marketing organizations. Can you direct 
us in this regard?

The site where we found your e-mail address can be located at:
What an amazing resource? How do they find so many people jobs for free? 
They don't even charge employers to

Many kind regards,

Dr. Bud Maynard


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