ELISA and standard

David Gall galldg at echelon.ca
Fri Apr 27 13:15:20 EST 2001

What sort of standard are you talking about? Is it protein, carbohydrate or 
something else? This could help to decide whether to freeze your standards at 
-20C, -70C or just refridgerate them.

In article <2DEEA3DFCA8ED411ABF800508B66C2A80235B252 at abegt001-ex.pgsgent.be>, 
Saskia.VanBocxlaer at aventis.com says...
>Good afternoon,
>Can anyone tell me if I would have a problem with my ELISA if I kept my
>standard in the -20=B0 C freeze. We're having a discussion in our lab =
>to keep our standards at -20=B0 C or -70=B0 C.
>Please reply.

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