[Immunology] Regarding human anti-Tetanus Toxoid IgG standard

tarun gupta via immuno%40net.bio.net (by hotbacteria from rediffmail.com)
Thu Sep 13 10:22:57 EST 2007

Respected Dr. Shen,

Kindly refer to Journal of clinical Immunology. 1990 Sep;10(5):255-64. This paper discusses IgG anti-tetanus toxoid antibody synthesis by human bone marrow and I guess following paper can also give you some clues: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/cei/2004/00000137/00000002/art00004

I hope this is of some help.

Kind Regards,
Tarun Gupta
MSc Human Genomics 
National Centre of Human Genome Studies and Research
Panjab University
Mob: +91-9888237906

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Message: 1
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:47:14 -0700
From: Lei Shen <leis from stanford.edu>
Subject: [Immunology] Need human anti-Tetanus Toxoid IgG standard
To: immuno from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Message-ID: < from stanford.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Hi everyone,

I am trying to develop an ELISA to detect anti-tetanus toxid IgG in 
human serum.  I need human anti-tetanus toxoid IgG or anti-serum as 
my ELISA standard.  Since there is no commercial available human 
anti-TT antibody.  Does anybody know where I can find this reference 
serum or antibody?

Lei  Shen

Department of Pathology,

Stanford University
3373 Hillview Avenue,
Palo Alto,CA 94304

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